Communities That Care

a kid with multicolored hand paint


Communities That Care guides communities through a proven five-phase change process. Using prevention science as its base, CTC promotes healthy youth development, improves youth outcomes, and reduces problem behaviors.

Students discuss school environments.

Let’s work together to turn
prevention science into action
for kids.


It’s time to take a pre-emptive
community-wide solution.

Youth across the nation are not reaching their full
potential because of serious, preventable issues,
including crime, violence, alcohol and drug use, and
death by suicide.
Despite well-intentioned efforts, response typically
comes too late—and only in an effort to fix the
problem after it occurs.

The evidence shows the CTC
system works.

A rigorous, scientific trial demonstrated that young
people from communities using the CTC system were
25% to 37% less likely to have health and behavior
problems than those from control communities.

CTC is Proven Effective

Communities That Care was tested in a randomized controlled trial. 24 communities across 7 states were matched in pairs within state and randomly assigned to either receive CTC or serve as control communities. Starting in 5th grade, a panel of 4407 students has been followed by our researchers, with positive effects in the CTC group sustained into adulthood. 

By 2026, we hope to achieve a 20 percent reduction in health and behavior problems for young people in the United States.

Working together as a community in order to implement effective strategic prevention framework.

A Good Investment

CTC’s significant effects on youth health and behavior problems produce long-term economic benefits. For every dollar invested in CTC, $11.14 is returned in the form of lower criminal justice system, crime victim, and health care costs, and increased earnings and tax revenues.

Let’s turn prevention science into action for kids.

Our mission is to promote the healthy development of young people through high-quality implementation of CTC PLUS, Guiding Good Choices, and other preventive interventions.

Positive growth.

Community wide holistic approach to reducing health and behavioral problems in young people. CTC implements evidence-based prevention strategies to address Gallatin Valley’s unique risk and protective factors. Functioning as a community coalition, CTC consists of a key leader board, a community board, and a youth coalition who drive the progression of our work.

Esther Lince (406) 498-1215